Object Outline Materials for Unreal Engine
Post Process Outline Material
The post process material uses Unreal's Custom Depth and Custom Depth Stencil Index to allow multiple colored outlines in a single pass.
Check out the blog post for full details and instructions.
Local Outline Material
The local outline material works similar to the post process material except it draws on a seperate Mesh that encapsulates the mesh to generate the outline for. This can be a cube, sphere, etc. This costs one draw call with the benefit of affecting significantly fewer pixels than a full screen post process effect.
For advanced use you can even apply more effects on the particular outline as demonstrated in the blog post.
Check out the blog post for full details and instructions.
What's Inside?
This pack is the bundled material (shader) assets for use in Unreal Engine 4 & 5.
For more detailed setup instructions and technique breakdowns you can check out the individual blog posts.
Disclaimer: The product is provided as-is without support. Please follow the instructions provided to set up the materials in Unreal Engine.