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Professional Game Development in C++ and Unreal Engine
Lecture 1 - Introduction & Setup
Welcome! (3:05)
Source Code Editor Setup Guides
Finding Information & Answers
Game Optimization Course Launch!
Complete Game Optimization for Unreal Engine 5
Lecture 2 - Project Start & Version Control
GitHub Repository and Blank C++ Project (8:54)
Project Walkthrough and first C++ Class (13:12)
Adding Components (Third-person Camera) (10:46)
Binding Movement Input (8:05)
Character Setup & Course Content (4:42)
Lecture 3 - Gameplay, Collision, and Physics
Character Input & Rotations (17:10)
Magic Projectile Attack (26:10)
Assignment 1 (Character Setup, Magic Projectile, Explosive Barrel) (1:51)
Lecture 4 - Interfaces & Collision Queries
C++ Interfaces (Interacting with Actors) (12:45)
ActorComponents & Collision Traces (InteractionComponent) (35:09)
Animations and Timers (Improving the Attack) (7:49)
Lecture 5 - Blueprints 101
What is Unreal's Blueprint? (5:46)
Blueprint Interaction & Casting (15:16)
Animating in Blueprint (14:54)
Projectile Blueprint & Collision (18:32)
Lecture 6 - Debugging Tools
Assignment 1 Solution Review (10:10)
"Hotreload" Warning (0:25)
Debugging C++ & Blueprints (Logging, Breakpoints, Drawing Debug Shapes) (17:26)
Camera Changes & First UMG Widget (Crosshair) (5:45)
Assignment 2 (Blackhole Projectile, Dash Ability, Targeting) (10:17)
'Asserts' for pro-active detection of bugs (7:19)
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Lecture 7 - UMG & (Player) Attributes
Attribute Component (RPG-style) (22:18)
UMG with Data Bindings (Health Bar) (11:26)
Event-based principles with UMG (Health Change Events) (16:54)
Animating UMG Widgets (5:02)
Dealing Damage with Attributes (Explosive Barrel) (3:03)
Lecture 8 - (Dynamic) Materials for Gameplay
Intro & Projectile Collision Fix (2:50)
Material Basics ("Shaders") (20:49)
Hit Flash Material & Driving Material parameters through C++ (11:25)
Simple Dissolve Materials (Textures) (7:28)
Creating Re-usable "Material Functions" (4:22)
Materials for User Interface (UMG) (8:34)
Lecture 9 - Audio, Animation, UI
Assignment 2 Solution Review (15:40)
Creating Sound Cues (7:46)
Animation Blueprints & Handling Player Death (14:09)
Projected "3D" UI (Damage Numbers) (10:49)
Assignment 3 (Health/Damage, Audio, Projectiles, UI) (7:16)
Lecture 10 - Basic AI & Behavior Trees
AI Overview (Behavior Trees, Blackboards, EQS) (5:04)
Bot Behaviors and Movement (23:24)
Custom "Check Attack Range" Service for BT (26:14)
Lecture 11 - Intermediate AI with Custom Tasks & EQS
Custom C++ BT Task for Ranged Attacks (17:24)
Environment Queries for smarter movement (18:53)
Adding "Sight" with Pawn Sensing Component (12:25)
Improving Bot Animations & C++ Asserts (7:24)
Lecture 12 - More AI, Environment Query Spawn Logic
Assignment 3 Solution Review (9:37)
Assignment 4 (Expanding AI Behavior) (1:32)
EQS to find bot spawnpoints (10:40)
GameMode with custom AI spawn behavior (29:59)
Lecture 13 - Finalizing AI, Extending the Framework
Further AI improvements (Damage, Death, Ragdolling) (22:46)
More senses for AI (Reacting to Damage) (6:14)
Helpful utilities for game framework (static functions) (8:45)
Improving bot firing logic (weapon accuracy, collision checks) (11:58)
Damage feedback through Hitflash effect (4:41)
Lecture 14 - UMG With C++ & More Framework Extensions
3D (Projected) Health bar with C++ (29:50)
Updating HUD Widgets (Health, Credits, GameTime) (15:03)
Setup Proper Player Spawn (4:42)
Adding Debug Commands (8:41)
Lecture 15 - Console Variables, GameMode Rules
Assignment 4 Solution Review (4:19)
Refining Player Respawns (13:07)
Console Variables for debugging and game balancing (29:39)
Assignment 5 (Credits System, EQS Spawning) (2:21)
Lecture 16 - Writing our own "Gameplay Ability System" alternative
What is "GAS" and why write our own? (9:07)
Starting our Action System and first "Action" (Sprinting) (20:24)
Converting the Projectile Attacks to "Actions" (21:24)
Improving the Physics Impulses on bot ragdolls (2:42)
Lecture 17 - GameplayTags
Setting up GameplayTags (14:11)
Comparing Tags in our Action System (Granting and Blocking Tags) (10:47)
GameplayTags for DOOM-style Door & Keycard system (6:50)
"Parrying Attacks" using GameplayTags (21:28)
Lecture 18 – Creating "Buffs", World Interaction
Assignment 5 Solution Review (12:03)
Creating Buffs & Debuffs (Damage over Time Effect) (21:54)
Improving World Interaction with UI Feedback (15:08)
Assignment 6 (Rage, Thorns, Power-up, Spotted UI) (3:56)
Lecture 19 – Multiplayer 1 “Network Replication”
What is Network Replication? (Client-Server Model) (15:10)
Networking the world interaction logic (RPCs) (24:31)
Networking the Treasure Chest (RepNotify) (13:20)
Lecture 20 – Multiplayer 2
Authority and Actor instances on Clients (8:53)
Networking the Attributes & UI state (Health) (29:53)
Blueprint Networking (9:27)
Networking the Action System (8:55)
Lecture 21 – Multiplayer 3
Assignment 6 Solution Review (12:57)
Assignment 7 (Replicating Attributes & Power-ups) (3:13)
Preparing the Actions with on-screen logging (8:37)
Networking UObjects & Actions (Action System) (26:31)
Note on RepNotify behavior (3:32)
Lecture 22 – Finishing up Multiplayer
Code flow and execution between Clients and Server (10:49)
Limiting Authority of the Client (19:48)
Networking remaining features (Sprint, etc.) (6:03)
Improving on Event-based UI (13:50)
Lecture 23 – Serializing Game & Player Progression
Setup core Save/Load Functionality (SaveGame & Slots) (15:32)
Serializing Player Progression (PlayerState) (11:23)
Serializing World Transforms (World State #1) (8:49)
Serializing Any Variables Automatically (World State #2) (14:05)
Serializing Blueprints & Saving via Actor Interaction (6:42)
Lecture 24 – Building Menus in UMG
Assignment 7 Solution Review (12:05)
Additional Content .ZIP
Creating Main Menus with UMG (31:44)
Creating In-Game Menus (12:13)
Lecture 25 – UMG & Styling Widgets
Setup Widgets & Event-based logic for Buffs/Debuffs (18:18)
Finishing Buff Bar & Animated materials for UI (15:03)
Syncing ActionEffect (Duration) for Multiplayer (7:25)
Widget Styling (HUD & Menus) (14:38)
Lecture 26 – Animation Blueprints & UI Improvements
Animation State Machines (Stunned Effect) & C++ AnimInstance (21:26)
Blend Poses & Blend Spaces (Floating Sprint Animation) (14:10)
Status Text for Interactables (UMG) & C++ Loc Text (17:57)
Lecture 27 – Data Assets, Data Tables, Async Loading (Asset Manager)
Data Tables & Data Assets (Setup for Bot Spawns) (15:26)
Soft References (Size Map, Reference Viewer) (12:56)
Primary Assets & Async Loading (Asset Manager) (19:22)
Lecture 28 – Packaging, Performance, Polish
Cooking Content & Packaging (9:08)
Profiling Basics & Stat Commands (15:35)
Unreal Insights for CPU & LoadTimes (12:54)
Fixing up log warnings and errors (13:02)
Game Optimization Course Launch!
Complete Game Optimization for Unreal Engine 5
Lecture 29 – Wrapping Up
Improving the SaveGame, Collisions & UI (14:55)
"WARPSQUAD" Project Workflow Demo (19:59)
Where to go next... (6:52)
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Additional Features
New and Changed in UE5
Programming with Subsystems (5:09)
Extending Editor & Project Settings (DeveloperSettings) (4:24)
Enhanced Input System (21:09)
Event-based principles with UMG (Health Change Events)
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